Our Goal
Our goal on this site is to share the greatness of the Eucharist with as many people as we can. Any data collection we do this site is done to support the development and improvement of the site to make it as good a resource as we can make it.
Google Analytics
We use Google analytics to track website usage and as a tool to improve the site. This service collects significant information about visitors and aggregates it (we don’t see personally identifying details of any visitor). Google does collect information to support advertising features.
At some point, this site may include advertisements (we haven’t decided yet). Google Analytics supports that through the use of cookies. The cookies track information such as whether you have visited the site before (this allows us to see data on new vs returning visitors) and compare that to other sites you have visited (this allows Google to serve ads relevant to past searches – it’s why when you search for a product on a site like Amazon, you start seeing ads for that product on other sites). This tracking is pervasive on many websites.
Google provides the opportunity to opt-out of this data collection. You can learn about that here: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/
Email Lists
We plan on eventually offering an email distribution for content to expand the reach of the site. When we do that, we will start collecting emails through a sign-up form (You will need to opt-in. We do collect any email address info now other than what is sent to directly through our contact form or social media pages.). We have no intention of selling any lists we develop.
We reserve the right to change this policy at any time, and Google regularly reviews and changes their data collection policy and procedures.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, or anything else related to the site, you can reach on our Contact Page.