Joy is significantly different from pleasure. Pleasure is a feeling reflecting that instant. It mimics joy but it is not joy. Joy is persistent and lasting. A person who is joyful does not fall out of joy because prosperity ends and adversity starts. The joy persists.

Pleasure is fleeting. When a pleasurable activity ends, so does the pleasure associate. When a unpleasurable activity starts, the previous pleasure is gone.

Joy continues through the good and bad. It is possible to be joyful while in sorrow. Although paradoxical, joy can persist through the worst experiences.

We can seek pleasure and we will find it for a time, but it will never last and it cannot satisfy. Pleasure is a very poor substitute for joy. We are made to be eternally joyful and desire joy. To find joy, we need to start with three greatest virtues: Faith, Hope, and Love. Joy is the natural result of developing these.

Source: Ven. Fulton Sheen, The Way to Happiness