Monthly Archives: August 2016


Daily Virtue Quote – St. Cyril of Jerusalem

"If you have anything against any man, forgive it: you come here to receive forgiveness of sins, and thou also must forgive him that has sinned against you. Else with what face will you say to the Lord, Forgive me my many sins, if you have not yourself forgiven your fellow-servant even his little sins." [...]

2020-03-15T18:24:03-04:00August 26th, 2016|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – St. Cyril of Jerusalem

Daily Eucharist Quote – St. Thomas Aquinas

"The presence of Christ's true body and blood in this sacrament cannot be detected by sense, nor understanding, but by faith alone, which rests upon Divine authority. Hence, on Lk. 22:19: 'This is My body which shall be delivered up for you,' Cyril says: 'Doubt not whether this be true; but take rather the Saviour's [...]

2020-03-15T18:24:03-04:00August 26th, 2016|Categories: Daily Quote: Eucharist|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Daily Eucharist Quote – St. Thomas Aquinas

Daily Virtue Quote – Pope Benedict XVI

"Openness to life is at the centre of true development. When a society moves towards the denial or suppression of life, it ends up no longer finding the necessary motivation and energy to strive for man's true good. If personal and social sensitivity towards the acceptance of a new life is lost, then other forms [...]

2020-03-15T18:24:03-04:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – Pope Benedict XVI

Daily Eucharist Quote – St. John Chrystostom

"Let us then return from that table like lions breathing fire, having become terrible to the devil; thinking on our Head, and on the love which He has shown for us." Source: St. John Chrysostom, Homily 46

2020-03-15T18:24:03-04:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Daily Quote: Eucharist|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Eucharist Quote – St. John Chrystostom

Daily Eucharist Quote – Catechism of the Catholic Church

"It was above all on 'the first day of the week,' Sunday, the day of Jesus' resurrection, that the Christians met 'to break bread.' From that time on down to our own day the celebration of the Eucharist has been continued so that today we encounter it everywhere in the Church with the same fundamental [...]

2020-03-15T18:24:03-04:00August 24th, 2016|Categories: Daily Quote: Eucharist|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Eucharist Quote – Catechism of the Catholic Church

Daily Virtue Quote – Ven. Fulton Sheen

"Contentment is not an innate virtue. It is acquired through great resolution and diligence in conquering unruly desires; hence it is an art which few study." Source: Ven. Fulton J. Sheen, Way to Happiness, St. Pauls, 1998.

2020-03-15T18:24:04-04:00August 24th, 2016|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – Ven. Fulton Sheen

Daily Virtue Quote – Pope Francis

"Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy." Source: Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus: BULL OF INDICTION OF THE EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE OF MERCY

2020-03-15T18:24:04-04:00August 23rd, 2016|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – Pope Francis

Daily Eucharist Quote – Pope St. John Paul II

"In reality, the ministerial and hierarchical priesthood, the priesthood of the bishops and the priests, and, at their side, the ministry of the deacons-ministries which normally begin with the proclamation of the Gospel-are in the closest relationship with the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the principal and central raison d'etre of the sacrament of the priesthood, [...]

2020-03-15T18:24:04-04:00August 23rd, 2016|Categories: Daily Quote: Eucharist|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Eucharist Quote – Pope St. John Paul II

Daily Eucharist Quote – Pope Benedict XVI

"The relationship between the Eucharist and the sacrament of Reconciliation reminds us that sin is never a purely individual affair; it always damages the ecclesial communion that we have entered through Baptism." Source: Pope Benedict XVI, SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS (Sacrament of Charity), 2/22/2007

2020-03-15T18:24:04-04:00August 22nd, 2016|Categories: Daily Quote: Eucharist|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Daily Eucharist Quote – Pope Benedict XVI

Daily Virtue Quotes – St. Peter Julian Eymard

"Our greatest evil is sloth, negligence, forgetfulness, and discouragement. That shows our little faith, respect, and love. We want what gives us pleasure, and we refuse what contradicts us." Source:  St. Peter Julian Eymard, The Divine Eucharist St. Peter Julian Eymard was a priest and the founder of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. [...]

2020-03-15T18:24:04-04:00August 22nd, 2016|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quotes – St. Peter Julian Eymard
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