Daily Virtue Quote – Ven. Fulton Sheen
"The Christian law is not 'survival of the fittest' but 'the survival of the unfit.'" Source:Â Sheen Fulton, Guide to Contentment, Alba House, 2010.
"The Christian law is not 'survival of the fittest' but 'the survival of the unfit.'" Source:Â Sheen Fulton, Guide to Contentment, Alba House, 2010.
"It is Christ himself, the eternal high priest of the New Covenant who, acting through the ministry of the priests, offers the Eucharistic sacrifice, and it is the same Christ, really present under the species of bread and wine, who is the offering of the Eucharistic sacrifice." Source: Catechism of the Catholic Church #1410 [...]
As St Paul recalls, we must also glorify God in our bodies, that is, in our whole existence, because our bodies are temples of the Spirit who is within us (cf. 1 Cor 6: 19, 20). In this light one can also speak of a cosmic celebration of divine glory. The world created, "so often [...]
"Do not be ashamed to serve others for the love of Jesus Christ and to seem poor in this world. Do not be self-sufficient but place your trust in God." Source: Thomas a’ Kempis, The Imitation of Christ, Dover Thrift Editions, 1940.
"If we care nothing for any created things, but embrace the Creator alone, His Majesty will infuse the virtues into us in such a way that, provided we labor to the best of our abilities day by day, we shall not have to wage war much longer, for the Lord will take our defense in [...]
"The Eucharist is the sacrament of communion between brothers and sisters who allow themselves to be reconciled in Christ, who made of Jews and pagans one people, tearing down the wall of hostility which divided them (cf. Eph 2:14). Only this constant impulse towards reconciliation enables us to partake worthily of the Body and Blood [...]
"I have said that it is not necessary to meditate much in order to arrive at affection. Here, however, we must guard against sloth. The mind is slothful regarding the things of grace. It must not be allowed to pass too easily over the reflection. It would willingly act like the tribune Felix, who trembled [...]
"Holy Communion is incorporation not only to the life of Christ, but also to His death. This second aspect is sometimes forgotten. St. Paul mentions it: 'So it is the Lord's death that you are heralding, whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, until he comes' (I Corinth. 11:26)... What He did in [...]
"Greater devotion is required in this sacrament [Eucharist] than in the others, for the reason that the entire Christ is contained therein. Moreover, this sacrament requires a more general devotion, i.e. on the part of the whole people, since for them it is offered; and not merely on the part of the recipients, as in [...]
"Simply turn with your whole heart toward Jesus Christ Crucified, and lovingly kiss His Sacred Feet. This is the best way to conquer the Enemy, whether in small or great temptations; for inasmuch as the Love of God contains the perfection of every virtue, and that more excellently than the very virtues themselves; it is [...]