Virtue Quote: Ven. Fulton Sheen
"There has been no greater secret of inner peace ever given than in the worlds of John the Baptist when he saw Our Lord coming: 'He must increase; I must decrease'." -Ven. Fulton Sheen
Virtue Quote: St. Catherine of Siena
"Even if your neighbor’s sins are clearly shown to your spirit not just once or twice but many times, you should still not confront them with specific sins. Rather, when they come to visit you, [...]
Virtue Quote: St. John Climacus
"He who is not submissive in his talk will certainly not be so in what he does. To be unfaithful in the small things is to be unfaithful in the great, and this is very [...]
Virtue Quote: Thomas a’ Kempis
"My child, you cannot always continue in the more fervent desire of virtue, or remain in the higher stage of contemplation, but because of humanity’s sin you must sometimes descend to lower things and bear [...]
Virtue Quote: St. Peter Julian Eymard
"Which are the foundations of sanctity? We may answer in a single word, Jesus Christ is the model, the grace, and the end. He is the necessary model, in Him we must view the virtues [...]
Virtue Quote: St. Francis de Sales
"The proud man who trusts in himself may well undertake nothing, but the humble man is all the braver that he knows his own helplessness, and his courage waxes in proportion to his low opinion [...]