Virtue Quote: Pope Benedict XVI
"The increasing prominence of a relativistic understanding of that nature presents serious problems for education, especially moral education, jeopardizing its universal extension. Yielding to this kind of relativism makes everyone poorer and has a negative [...]
Virtue Quote: Ven. Fulton Sheen
"Giving is really a divinely appointed way of acknowledging the mercies of God. We have indeed nothing to offer anyway that we have not received, and yet He is pleased to accept our offerings as [...]
Virtue Quote: Thomas a’ Kempis
"You must seek earnestly the grace of devotion, ask for it fervently, await it patiently and hopefully, receive it gratefully, guard it humbly, cooperate with it carefully and leave to God, when it comes, the [...]
Virtue Quote: St. Peter Julian Eymard
" You must be meek toward the neighbor. The principle of meekness toward the neighbor lies in charity. You will be meek toward him, if you see in him the gifts of God, if you [...]
Virtue Quote: St. John Climacus
"Very often demons manage to persuade us either to omit confession, or else to confess as though the sins were committed by someone else or else to blame others as responsible for our own sins." [...]
Virtue Quote: St. Cyril of Jerusalem
"Let all vain ornament be banished, and every hurtful glance, and all wanton gait, and every flowing robe, and perfume enticing to pleasure. But in all for perfume let there be the prayer of sweet [...]