February 2019
Virtue Quote: Pope Benedict XVI
"International development aid… whatever the donor’s intentions, can sometimes lock people into a state of dependence and even foster situations of localized oppression and exploitation in the receiving country." -Pope Benedict XVI
Eucharist Quote: St. John Vianney
"What love is there like to that of Jesus Christ? He chose for the institution of the Eucharist the eve of the day on which He was to be put to death! Men weave the [...]
Virtue Quote: St. Faustina
"A disobedient soul will win no victory, even if the Lord Jesus Himself, in person, were to hear its confession. The most experienced confessor will be of no help whatsoever to such a soul. The [...]
Eucharist Quote: Pope Benedict XVI
"The more lively the eucharistic faith of the People of God, the deeper is its sharing in ecclesial life in steadfast commitment to the mission entrusted by Christ to his disciples. The Church's very history [...]
Virtue Quote: St. John Climacus
"Habit forms things and follows them. And it is particularly true that virtue depends on habit, and here God is the great collaborator." -St. John Climacus
Eucharist Quote: St. John Chrysostom
"He calls Himself, the bread of life, because He maintains our life both which is and which is to be, and says, Whosoever shall eat of this bread shall live for ever. By bread He [...]