January 2019
Virtue Quote: St. Francis de Sales
"The proud man who trusts in himself may well undertake nothing, but the humble man is all the braver that he knows his own helplessness, and his courage waxes in proportion to his low opinion [...]
Eucharist Quote: Catechism of the Catholic Church
"The Eucharist is 'the source and summit of the Christian life.' 'The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. [...]
Virtue Quote: Pope Benedict XVI
"One of the deepest forms of poverty a person can experience is isolation." -Pope Benedict XVI
Eucharist Quote: Pope Pius XII
"In the Holy Eucharist the faithful are nourished and strengthened at the same banquet and by a divine, ineffable bond are united with each other and with the Divine Head of the whole Body."
Virtue Quote: St. Faustina
"However, in all these sufferings and struggles, I was not omitting Holy Communion. When it seemed to me that I should not communicate, I went, before Holy Communion, to the Directress and told her that [...]
Eucharist Quote: St. Margaret Mary
"My greatest happiness is to be before the Blessed Sacrament where my heart is, as it were, in its center." -St. Margaret Mary