September 2018
Daily Virtue Quote – Pope Benedict XVI
"It is not by isolation that man establishes his worth, but by placing himself in relation with others and with God. Hence these relations take on fundamental importance." Source: Pope Benedict XVI, CARITAS IN [...]
Daily Eucharist Quote – St. Alphonsus Liguori
"You will find that all the Saints were enamoured of this most sweet devotion; since, indeed, it is impossible to find on earth a more precious gem, or a treasure more worthy of all our [...]
Daily Virtue Quote – Venerable Fulton Sheen
"The word 'kindness' is derived from kindred of kin, and therefore implies and affection which we bear naturally to those who are our flesh and blood." Source:ÿ Ven. Fulton Sheen, The Way to Happiness [...]
Daily Eucharist Quote – Pope Benedict XVI
The Eucharist is the foundation and heart of the Church. From the very beginning and throughout the entire history of the Church, the Eucharist has been the central element of our liturgy. We see this [...]
Daily Virtue Quote – Brother Lawrence
"The trust we put in God, honors Him much, and draws down great graces." Source: Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God and The Spiritual Maxims
Daily Eucharist Quote – St. Thomas Aquinas
"A sacrament is so termed because it contains something sacred. Now a thing can be styled sacred from two causes; either absolutely, or in relation to something else. The difference between the Eucharist and other [...]