Eucharist Quote: St. Peter Julian Eymard
"There is not, in effect, a more powerful means of sanctification in the Church than the Holy Eucharist, which is Itself the Source of every grace." - St. Peter Julian Eymard
"There is not, in effect, a more powerful means of sanctification in the Church than the Holy Eucharist, which is Itself the Source of every grace." - St. Peter Julian Eymard
"The vow of obedience consummates the sacrifice of the religious. It is the essential vow of religion. It alone might suffice, for it eminently comprises the others. It perfects the holocaust begun by poverty in the goods of fortune, and continued by chastity in those of the body, by offering to God the liberty, the [...]
This is a wonderful quote from St. Peter Julian Eymard. He describes the gift of the Father of His Son in the Eucharist given to us. The saint describes this as a personal gift provided to him, and it is a person and individual gift given to him. This does not negate the gift given [...]
"Here is the first-class humility that we ought to imitate, Let us then, refer all to God. Return to Him His graces, which He lends you only that you may make them fructify to His profit and glory. Do not pride yourselves on God's gifts. Do not appropriate them, as if they came from yourself, [...]
"Our Lord allows Himself to be seen in the Blessed Sacrament for the salvation of the world. He will act through us upon the people." Source: ÿSt. Peter Julian Eymard, The Divine Eucharist St. Peter Julian Eymard was a priest and the founder of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. This religious order is [...]
"Which are the foundations of sanctity? We may answer in a single word, Jesus Christ is the model, the grace, and the end. He is the necessary model, in Him we must view the virtues in order to comprehend them. A virtue is but the reproduction of some one of His actions, the imitation of [...]
"Jesus is the grace, as well as the model, of every virtue: 'Without Me,' He says, 'you can do nothing.' We must, then, be helped by Him. The work of virtue is only a co-operation with the divine action of Jesus Christ in us. He comes to aid us and to make us do what [...]
"There is not, in effect, a more powerful means of sanctification in the Church than the Holy Eucharist, which is Itself the Source of every grace." Source: ÿSt. Peter Julian Eymard, The Divine Eucharist
The vow of obedience consummates the sacrifice of the religious. It is the essential vow of religion. It alone might suffice, for it eminently comprises the others. It perfects the holocaust begun by poverty in the goods of fortune, and continued by chastity in those of the body, by offering to God the liberty, the [...]
"Humility endues you with the strength of God, and it is, moreover, the means of your sanctity. There is no saint here below who can rest, saying: 'I have reached the degree to which God calls me.' No, neither in the virtues nor in love does that ever come to pass. To possess a virtue [...]