Daily Virtue Quote – St. Francis de Sales
"However long the temptation may persist, it cannot harm us so long as it is unwelcome to us." Source: St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, Random House, Inc., 2002.
"However long the temptation may persist, it cannot harm us so long as it is unwelcome to us." Source: St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, Random House, Inc., 2002.
"A great thing is a faithful man, being richest of all rich men. For to the faithful man belongs the whole world of wealth, in that he disdains and tramples on it." Source: St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lectures
"I would have you know that every virtue of yours and every vice is put into action by means of your neighbors. If you hate [God], you harm your neighbors and yourself as well (for you are your chief neighbor), and the harm is both general and particular." Source: St. Catherine of Siena, The [...]
"As worship passes out of life, leisure becomes impossible. It reduces itself either to laziness or boredom, emptiness or compulsion." Source: Sheen Fulton, Guide to Contentment, Alba House, 2010.
"What cruelty, to refuse to help either oneself or others by loving virtue and hating vice! But some actually extend their cruelty even further, not only refusing the good example of virtue but in their wickedness assuming the role of the devil by dragging others as much as they can from virtue and leading them [...]
"Charity, furthermore, cannot be used as a means of engaging in what is nowadays considered proselytism. Love is free; it is not practiced as a way of achieving other ends. But this does not mean that charitable activity must somehow leave God and Christ aside. For it is always concerned with the whole man. Often [...]
"It is reason that creates motives for believing. Faith is to religion very much as credit is to business. Just as one must have a reason for giving credit, so too must one have a reason for believing." Source: Sheen Fulton, Guide to Contentment, Alba House, 2010.
"If you desire to be more quickly recollected, more immediately united to God, it is far better not to concentrate yourselves in yourselves, and not always to put your miseries between your soul and God. Be more desirous of seeing His goodness, His love, of contemplating Him in Himself and in His divine attributes. You [...]
"Even so, my child, your changed life may be attended with some inward discomfort, and you may feel some reaction of discouragement and weariness after you have taken a final farewell of the world and its follies. Should it be so, I pray you take it patiently, for it will not last – it is [...]
"The essence of the virtues is the will of God. He who does the will of God faithfully, practices all the virtues." Source: St. Faustina, Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul