Daily Quote: Virtue

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Daily quotes on developing virtue from Saints, Popes and others.

Virtue Quote: Pope Benedict XVI

"Everything has its origin in God’s love, everything is shaped by it, everything is directed towards it. Love is God’s greatest gift to humanity, it is his promise and our hope." -Pope Benedict XVI

2019-01-02T07:06:52-05:00January 2nd, 2019|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Virtue Quote: Pope Benedict XVI

Daily Virtue Quote – St. Francis de Sales

"All this anger and irritation against one's self fosters pride, and springs entirely from self-love, which is disturbed and fretter by its own imperfections. What we want is a quiet steady, firm displeasure at our own faults." Source: St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, Random House, Inc., 2002. [...]

2020-03-15T18:19:45-04:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – St. Francis de Sales

Daily Virtue Quote – St. Bernard of Clairvaux

"I began to fear more the terrible danger of pride if I did well than the disgrace if I did badly. There I was at a crossroad between fear and charity, not knowing which way was safe to take. If I spoke to any profit about humility I feared to be found lacking in it; [...]

2020-03-15T18:19:45-04:00September 18th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Daily Virtue Quote – Pope Benedict XVI

"Without truth, without trust and love for what is true, there is no social conscience and responsibility, and social action ends up serving private interests and the logic of power, resulting in social fragmentation, especially in a globalized society at difficult times like the present." Source: Pope Benedict XVI, CARITAS IN VERITATE (Charity in [...]

2020-03-15T18:19:46-04:00September 17th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – Pope Benedict XVI

Daily Virtue Quote – Venerable Fulton Sheen

Ven. Fulton Sheenÿexplains the core virtue of the Gospel. We are called to love, especially people who others do not love. Jesus describes this as loving our enemies. We should not limit our understanding of this to just adversaries that we are competing against or that threaten us. We need to love everyone, especially people [...]

2020-03-15T18:19:53-04:00September 16th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – Venerable Fulton Sheen

Daily Virtue Quote – St. Faustina

"Virtue without prudence is not virtue at all. We should often pray to the Holy Spirit for this grace of prudence. Prudence consists in discretion, rational reflection and courageous resolution. The final decision is always up to us." Source: St. Faustina, Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul

2020-03-15T18:19:53-04:00September 15th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – St. Faustina

Daily Virtue Quote – Pope Benedict XVI

"As the objects of God's love, men and women become subjects of charity; they are called to make themselves instruments of grace, so as to pour forth God's charity and to weave networks of charity." Source: Pope Benedict XVI, CARITAS IN VERITATE (Charity in Truth), 6/29/2009

2020-03-15T18:19:53-04:00September 14th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – Pope Benedict XVI

Daily Virtue Quote – St. John Climacus

"Confession is like a bridle that keeps the soul which reflects on it from committing sin, but anything left unconfessed we continue to do without fear as if in the dark." Source: St. John Climacus, The Ladder of Divine Ascent

2020-03-15T18:19:54-04:00September 13th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – St. John Climacus
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