Yearly Archives: 2018


Daily Virtue Quote – St. Peter Julian Eymard

"Humility endues you with the strength of God, and it is, moreover, the means of your sanctity. There is no saint here below who can rest, saying: 'I have reached the degree to which God calls me.' No, neither in the virtues nor in love does that ever come to pass. To possess a virtue [...]

2020-03-15T18:20:19-04:00January 27th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – St. Peter Julian Eymard

Daily Eucharist Quote – Pope St. John Paul II

"With the Eucharist the intimacy becomes total; the embrace between God and man reaches its apex." Source:  Pope St. John Paul II, General Audience - October 11, 2000

2020-03-15T18:20:19-04:00January 27th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Eucharist|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Eucharist Quote – Pope St. John Paul II

Daily Eucharist Quote – St. Alphonsus Liguori

"The servant of God and great Sicilian missionary-father, Louis La Nusa, was, even in his youth and as a layman, so enamoured of Jesus Christ, that he seemed unable to tear himself from the presence of his beloved Lord; and such were the joys which he there experienced, that his director, having commanded him, in [...]

2020-03-15T18:20:19-04:00January 26th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Eucharist|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Eucharist Quote – St. Alphonsus Liguori

Daily Virtue Quote – St. Catherine of Siena

God speaking to St. Catherine of Siena: “These and many other virtues I give differently to different souls, and the soul is most at ease with that virtue which has been made primary for her. But through her love of that virtue she attracts all the other virtues to herself, since they are all bound [...]

2020-03-15T18:20:19-04:00January 26th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – St. Catherine of Siena

Daily Virtue Quote – Ven. Fulton Sheen

"If St. Francis had been sent to a Siberian labor camp, or a leper colony, or a Wall Street Brokerage firm, would he be any less St. Francis? But how many mortals there are in the world who are one kind of character in need, another kind of character in plenty, who grumble amidst the [...]

2020-03-15T18:20:19-04:00January 25th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – Ven. Fulton Sheen

Daily Eucharist Quote – St. Josemaria Escriva

"Don't be so blind or so thoughtless that you fail to 'go into' each tabernacle when you glimpse the walls of the steeple of each house of our Lord. He is waiting for you. Don't be so blind or so thoughtless that you fail to say at least an ejaculation to Mary Immaculate, whenever you [...]

2020-03-15T18:20:19-04:00January 25th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Eucharist|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Daily Eucharist Quote – St. Josemaria Escriva

Daily Eucharist Quote – Catechism of the Catholic Church

"Having passed from this world to the Father, Christ gives us in the Eucharist the pledge of glory with him. Participation in the Holy Sacrifice identifies us with his Heart, sustains our strength along the pilgrimage of this life, makes us long for eternal life, and unites us even now to the Church in heaven, [...]

2020-03-15T18:20:19-04:00January 24th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Eucharist|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Daily Eucharist Quote – Catechism of the Catholic Church

Daily Virtue Quote – Pope St. John Paul II

"If purity disposes man to 'keep his own body with holiness and reverence,' as we read in 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, piety as a gift of the Holy Spirit seems to serve purity in a particular way by making the human subject sensitive to the dignity that belongs to the human body in virtue of the [...]

2020-03-15T18:20:19-04:00January 24th, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – Pope St. John Paul II

Daily Virtue Quote – St. Hildegard of Bingen

"In the incarnate Son of God all the virtues work fully, and that He left in Himself the way of salvation; so that faithful people both small and great can find in Him the right step on which to place their foot in order to ascend to virtue, so that they can reach the best [...]

2020-03-15T18:20:20-04:00January 23rd, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Virtue|Tags: , |Comments Off on Daily Virtue Quote – St. Hildegard of Bingen

Daily Eucharist Quote – Pope St. John Paul II

"Jesus is really present under the appearances of bread and wine, as he himself assures us: 'This is my body ... this is my blood' (Mt26: 26, 28). But the Christ present in the Eucharist is the Christ now glorified, who on Good Friday offered himself on the cross." Source:  Pope St. John Paul [...]

2020-03-15T18:20:20-04:00January 23rd, 2018|Categories: Daily Quote: Eucharist|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Daily Eucharist Quote – Pope St. John Paul II
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